Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Homework for Eurolit 10/2/18

Write Philoctetes essay (proficiency/voluntary)
Due Friday

Notes for Eurolit 10/2/18

Freedom vs. Happiness

Why don’t we want that freedom? We tend towards herd mentality because not that many people want the freedom to choose for themselves.

We fear alienation or ostracism. It is human nature to be a social being. If we don’t have society it irreparably damages us.

How can we prove this is a tragedy? By proving that Philoctetes is a tragic hero. We can show this by demonstrating that he follows the 5-part pattern of the tragic hero. It builds upon the Homeric Pattern (arête, hubris, ate, anagnorisis, nemesis).  Anagnorisis is moment of recognition that the hero experiences after they have commited ate, but it is too late to circumvent their nemesis.

According to Aristotle, the reader/viewer experiences the tragic hero’s emotions vicariously. This leads to a catharsis, or the arousal of feelings of pity and horror.

Predetermination vs. Freedom

Why does Philoctetes choose not to do what is in his best interest? What motivates human beings beyond anything else? Even beyond fear of the unknown? Isolation. Philoctetes nemesis is that he will never be happy again.

Why is Philoctetes a tragedy?
-Deus ex machine underscores the theme (takes away Philoctete’s freedom)
-Philoctetes actions prove he’s a tragic hero
- eucatastrophe

Philoctetes makes the wrong decisions and depends on deus ex machine to be happy.

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