Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Eurolit Homework for 10/9/18

Read: Plato's "Apology"

Answer: Study Guide Questions (Full Monty Required)

Eurolit Notes for 10/9/18

Plato’s “Symposium”

•Immortality through fame

•This section goes hand-in-hand with understanding future Plato

•Back page, right hand column, line 49, “If mortal man may,” thus we cannot find absolutes, because we are not absolute

•Immortality has to do with ideas, and our idea of what beauty is, because that, too, is immortal
         Great ideas are “children of the soul” which survive their “parent” into posterity

•What is beauty? How do we know? How do we know anything?
         •We learn it inductively, but only because we know it deductively beforehand
         For the Sophists, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
         Socrates believed that beauty is conceived with the mind; it is conceptual.
         Beauty and love are metaphysical. They partake of the divine. Humanity naturally loves that which is beautiful.
         The only way we can perceive beauty is because we have a conception of what beauty is.

Beauty absolute = separate, simple, everlasting. It doesn't change. It is perfect and stays perfect forever. It is removed from the world of reality. Idealized.

•”Renewed by recollection” through aposterori thinking

•All people desire to be remembered because they wish to be remembered and, thus, immortal, because people are afraid of the unknown, and death, and want to escape death through remaining remembered

•All people also desire wisdom and virtue. Why?
         •Because you should do the right thing

•Any attempt at utopia will result in dystopia. Why?
         •You have to give up one virtue to have a greater virtue
         •Also because “Utopia” means “Does not exist”

•Temperance (moderation) and justice and the ordering of states and families are the most important virtues
         •Leadership affects a lot of people, and is thus influential and can be inspiring
         •Or, perhaps, we are selfish and want to lead just for fame
         •Justice and temperance are limiting

•Two examples of “Children of the soul” are Homer and Lysergius (a great statesman)

•Homer’s “Children of the soul” are The Iliad and The Odyssey
         •One may create jut for vanity, but may also to inspire people, or to become famous

•We can attempt to attain the immortal by trying to do something as close to perfectly as possible

Platonic love = you see in a person what you find to be beautiful. Humanity loves anything, which they perceive to be beautiful.

We have a particular nature, and will be happy when we partake of that nature that defines us.

•Can one fall in love at first sight, according to Plato and platonic love?
         •Yes, because you can fall in love with their soul, and see them with your mind’s eye, and recognize them as another soul

•What are the six steps to recognizing absolute beauty? (It is INDUCTIVE)
         1. We find one form we find beautiful
         2. We see that beauty in other things than physical forms
         3. We see beauty in everything
         4. We see that the beauty of ideas is greater than the beauty of physical forms
         5. We see beauty in death and the unknown
         6. We recognize that there is beauty in all things

•We can’t know absolute beauty; we can only have an approximation of it.
Honors 9 Homework for 10/9/18

Prepare for "Romeo and Juliet" Act III College Bowl on Monday!!!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Eurolit Homework for 10/8/18

Read: "Plato's Symposium"

Answer: Study Guide Questions ("Full Monty" Optional)

European Literature Notes 10/8/18

             Philosophers can either be placed as:
                 Materialists or idealists
                 Subjectivists or objectivists
                                   Objectivists: nothing beyond the material
                                   Subjectivists: there is something beyond the material
             Metaphysics is one of the most important 13 disciplines:
                 “Meta”: above/beyond
                 “Physics”: that which is and that which isn’t
                 is defined as a pre-conception/pre-supposition: something you assume beforehand that has not been demonstrated, an un-demonstrated belief, can also be called an axiom: undemonstrated proposition
                 Important because one’s view of reality is what creates the other disciplines
             Reality is what you see reality to be
             What drives human thinking more than anything else is paradigm thinking, because what drives human thought the most is fear of the unknown
                 Paradigm thinking: We change things to fit our thinking so that we do not have to change, this is why we need to lead the examined life
             Subjective: everything inside the mind
             Objective: everything outside the mind, including the brain
             Sophists believed “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”
                 Socrates disagrees. Socrates says beauty is objective, it is outside man, we know what reality is because we already knew, believes true is a conception rather than a perception
                 For example, when we look at a beautiful sunrise, essay, rose, how can we compare these if we did not already know what beauty was in the first place?
                 The truth is objective to man and we arrived at it with our subjective mind
                 There is no truth or falseness in the world
             Deductive thinking: general to specific (on yesterday’s notes)
             Inductive: specific to general (on yesterday’s notes), the gathering/formation of conceptions after having experiences particular instances
             Plato’s life:
                 Followed Socrates around when he was 20 for 8 years
                 Hates democracy
                 Came from a rich family in Athens
                 Combination of a poet and philosopher
                 First philosopher to have a complete philosophy system (all 13 disciplines)
             All ancient greek philosophy was teleological
                 means the end, and the end precedes the beginning
                 Ethics cannot be understood without the politics
             Deductive thinking- syllogism- major premise- minor premise- conclude something logical
             What is it we do anything for?
             Cosmological chain of being

                 Reality consists of:
                                   Ideas/forms: abstract, universal, infinite, subject, perfect, ideal
                                                     Universal: true for anyone anywhere anytime
                                   Appearances/illusions: concrete, particular, temporal, object, inferior copies         
                                                     concepts are definitions
             Psyche: essence
             Knowledge is power and happiness!
             What is the teleology of Plato?
                 The good

Honors 9 Homework for 10/8/18

Read Act III of "Romeo and Juliet"

Complete Act III Study Guide and Vocabulary