Tuesday, September 18, 2018

  • Eurolit HW: Read Iliad Books 
  • Honors 9 HW: Nuts & Bolts of Hercules for College Bowl.
  • Honors 9 Notes:

  • What we wanted to see: 
  • Keep to your topic in each paragraph
  • Thesis sentences in your intros, name the book/myth/etc, name the author, and the theme of the work (Specifically things like Hubris in this essay). 
  • Use topic sentences for each paragraph, should provide transition from one paragraph to the next and set up the following paragraph.
  • DO NOT rehash the plot, don’t describe the story
  • Always answer the why question, what can you point to in the text that proves your claim?
  • Body paragraphs should have at least one defining quote that proves your paragraphs claim/focus
  • Everything should refer back to your thesis statement

  • Structure of essay: 
  • Intro W/ Thesis Statement
  • Body Paragraph x 3
  • Conclusion that has REAL thinking, finish off proving your thesis as strongly as you can.

  • College Bowl on Theseus:
  • Mostly nuts and bolts.
  • Theseus is the King’s son who pulls the sword out of the stone.
  • Travels and defeats Ogres, Giants and Sorcerers.
  • Meets Sciron, tries to kick Theseus into a giant man-eating turtle’s mouth, but Sciron is tricked and Theseus pulls him off the cliff and into the turtle’s mouth.
  • Pityokamptes tries to fling him with pine trees.
  • Procrustes tries to stretch out Theseus.
  • Theme? Brains over brawn, attitude. 
  • Quote about Fear being the best thing you can give your enemy.
  • What does Procrustes tell us about our society? He wants to everyone to fit into his standards, conform to his ideals.
  • There are many types of strength in this world.
  • Are our strengths predetermined? Should we strive to change our strengths or stick with what we’re naturally given?
  • Theseus and the Minotaur
  • He must brave the Labyrinth and slay the Minotaur
  • Assisted by Princess Ariadne, gives him a ball of yellow silk from Daedalus which guides him.
  • Minotaur is an embodiment of the Id, Labyrinth is a symbol of our mind

Honors 9 English HW: Know nuts & bolts for “Siegfried”

Eurolit HW: Read Iliad, books XX and XXII

Honors 9 Notes:
  • Heracles College Bowl
  • Did Heracles intend to kill his music teacher? And does it matter?
  • Why is brass so common in the stories? Is it a symbol for overcoming something physically strong with his willpower.
  • Heracles uses his opponents strengths against them.
Molly is the champion of the 12 Labors challenge! Congrats Molly!

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